
Zarządzanie produkcją – program stażowy

Dołącz do nas i rozwijaj się razem z nami! Firma Tarczyński S.A. oferuje 12- miesięczny płatny Program Stażowy Zarządzania Produkcją w ramach umowy o pracę z perspektywą rozwoju zawodowego po ukończonym stażu na stanowiska: Lidera Programu Zarządzania Produkcją lub Młodszego Kierownika Zmiany. Jako Stażysta otrzymasz od nas cykl wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych szkoleń realizowanych przez prestiżowe certyfikowane organizacje szkoleniowe, a także

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Win a global internship in the MAKE IT BRIGHT competition!

Are you looking for amazing development opportunities? Are you open to an international career path? Do you feel that you could contribute to building a responsible business? If your answer for at least one of the above questions is YES… JOIN THE IDEA & MAKE IT BRIGHT! Until May 15th, 2020 students from Poland can register for the international MAKE

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Stypendia Grupy Santander

Grupa Santander prowadzi nabór na stypendia dla ponad 20.000 studentów i nauczycieli akademickich pod hasłem #ZostańWDomu Inicjatywa ma na celu wsparcie społeczności akademickiej w czasie pandemii koronawirusa. Nabory na wszystkie projekty udostępniane są na www. santander-grants.com Santander Universidades oferuje ponad 20.000 stypendiów i grantów na kursy internetowe wspierające rozwój kompetencji cyfrowych, językowych i umiejętności miękkich, które będą pomocne w wejściu

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Antmicro’s internship program

Start your professional career with Antmicro Antmicro is a software-driven tech company developing leading edge cyber-physical and edge AI systems for various branches of industry. Antmicro provides applied R&D for customers worldwide, offering assistance in prototyping, new product development and adoption of modern embedded technologies, both in the software and hardware area. The vast majority of Antmicro’s projects include a

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My Ideal Employer

Take part in the My Ideal Employer survey and have a real impact on the selection of employers who will enable students to gain new competences and work experience! Answer to 22 questions about the expected non-salary benefits, form or stability of employment. At the end of the survey there will be two open questions and they will require the

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Employers’ Catalogue 2020

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the electronic version of the Employers’ Catalogue 2020. The catalogue contains information about companies that actively recruit students from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. In our publication students can find information about possible internships and job offers. Have a good read! The paper version will be available in the Career Office

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Antmicro’s internship program

Start your professional career with Antmicro Antmicro’s paid internship program for full time students gives you the opportunity to get hands-on experience doing real work on real projects with our engineers. You can help us build the future of technology working on R&D assignments with robotics, drones, computer vision, smart industry, Edge AI and IoT systems, FPGA SoC and GPGPUs,

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Risk Conference

Event Location DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Wroclaw Event Date March 19, 2020 9:00am – 3:00pm (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam Event Description: The purpose of Risk Conference is to familiarize students, what problems we face in everyday work, as well as how to use the academic knowledge acquired during studies, in the world of finance.   We plan to host distinguished representatives of academic

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EU Careers Student Ambassadors

If you are a student keen to promote EU careers on your university campus then why not apply to become an EU Career Student Ambassador? As part of the experience, you will be able to: Find out more about EU Career opportunities and promote them to your fellow students Build a fantastic student network across Europe Gain work experience during

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